5x budgetproof art & culture

Roos Pierson voor Cultuurroute

Life just gets more and more expensive; inflation, gas prices, etc. We understand that nowadays you don't have much money left for the nice extras, like your necessary dose of culture! Here is the guide for budget-proof culture in the beautiful city of Tilburg.

PUNCH at the Pont

Museum de Pont is a household name in Tilburg. Modern art in an old textile factory, with cool, surprising and changing exhibitions. Every Thursday evening from 17:00-21:00, admission to de Pont is completely free! Under the name PUNCH, something extra is also organized every third Thursday of the month, such as: lectures or live music. For upcoming events, check the PUNCH Instagram.
De Pont

Art & Culture

De Pont


Another hidden gem: The Nachtzuster. The Nachtzuster is an initiative of Ateliers Tilburg and aims to make art and culture accessible to a wide audience. Thus, various cultural events are organised at this location every week. From music to literature and from art exhibitions to live tattoo sessions. Every week a new, surprising and fresh programme for and by Tilburg-based makers. And all for a very profitable price! But this is not all... You can also flex-work here every Thursday in an inspiring environment; the Atelier Café. Check the website for more information and the entire programme.
The Nachtzuster

Art & Culture

The Nachtzuster

Jamsession and Club PARA @ PaRaDox

Jazz lovers beware! Every Tuesday night from 21:00, you can enjoy live jazz at the weekly jam session at PaRaDox. South Netherlands' most important Jazz vanue. During this jam session, jazz musicians and musicians-to-be come together to make music in a casual atmosphere. Attending this musical and above all fun improvisation session is completely free! So stroll in, order a drink and be surprised by local talent. Can't get enough of PaRaDox? Take a look at Club PARA. This is organised once every few weeks on Monday nights. Club PARA aims to invite young people to meet, connect and be inspired by exciting, innovative jazz sounds. This event is also free to attend. Check PaRaDox's website for upcoming dates.

Art & Culture


Cinecitta Film & Food

Is your budget a little bigger, but you still want to be mindful of your precious knick-knacks? Then the Cinecitta Film & Food deals are definitely for you! At Ristobar29, the bistro in Cinecitta, you can go to the morning movie incl. a delicious lunch of your choice for as little as 22 euros. For film & dinner, you can also go to Ristobar29 for a nice price. And as icing on the cake, this can be any day of the week! Also on weekends? Yes, so also on weekends. Cinecitta has represented fascinating arthouse films in Tilburg for a hundred years. You don't go here for the big Hollywood films, but for special films with a story. Check out Cinecitta's site for more info on these deals.

Art & Culture


Student or youth discount

Are you a student or do you belong to the young gods among us (25-)? Then this last budget tip is especially for you! Besides the budget tips we mentioned above, many museums and theatres offer youth or student discounts. You then still pay for your ticket, but can catch a performance or museum visit much cheaper. Venues participating in this are: Museum de Pont, Textielmuseum, Natuurmuseum, theatre De Nieuwe Vorst and Schouwburg Concertzaal Tilburg. Check the websites of the participating venues for more info and prices.

Starting point

info in Tilburg

Spoorlaan 33

5038 CB Tilburg

T. 013-303 41 01

E. info@infointilburg.com

Club PARA 2
Cinecitta gevel fotografie-jules-van-iperen

Budgetproof cultuur