Interview with forester Frans

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Frans Kapteijns his greatest hobby is nature. His mission is to make everyone love the nature in which you live and ensure that as a result people treat Mother Earth better. Despite being retired, he still fulfills plenty of activities and he likes to tell more about nature in and around Tilburg.

How did it all start?

Frans's love for nature started at an early age, when as a seven-year-old he experienced outdoor adventures with his grandfather. It was during one such moment that his grandfather asked him, "Little boy, what do you want to be later?" Without hesitation, Frans answered, "Forester."

After graduating from agricultural high school, however, Frans did not immediately choose a career as a forester. In 1979, he found his way to "De Kleine Aarde," a research center where he immersed himself in organic dairy products and organic grains. There he became responsible for everything to do with dairy and bread.

After that wonderful time at De Kleine Aarde/Bolder Center, he ended up at Natuurmonumenten. There he performed various tasks and functions. "For example, Natuurmonumenten sent me south to deal with problems there and renovate an existing visitor center on Brunssummerheide." Between 1991 and 1997 he was also active at Omroep Brabant with the nature program "Sprokkel." After returning to Brabant, he became a familiar voice on the radio at Omroep Brabant starting in 2003. "Here I answer listeners' questions about nature in the program "Stuifmail," he says.

One of his activities at Natuurmonumenten was and is guiding excursions, but he also enjoys going out as a nature guide at IVN Oisterwijk: "Guiding excursions is one of my passions now in the role of former forester and nature guide. Sometimes I simply let my mind wander during a soothing walk. For me, wandering in nature was and is the ultimate way to organize my thoughts. Plus, you keep moving and enjoy the beauty of being outdoors."

In 2016, Frans chose to retire early as a forester, with the goal of giving a new generation the opportunity to follow in his footsteps. Thus, he proudly recounted, "I retired with a big smile."

Frans contemporary nature missions: Podwalks, podcasts and passion

After his retirement, Frans certainly didn't sit still. He already has 44 podcasts to his name and he is now focusing on podwalks. Listen to the podwalk as you walk yourself into the nature reserve and hear from Frans what you will encounter. He will inform you about the area. Or listen in your easy chair and experience nature as if you were there yourself. Soon the Wandelbos in Tilburg is scheduled.

Frans is still very active in nature: "I still enjoy giving nature excursions and at the moment I am most often approached as a forest bathing guide. Forest bathing is about slowing down and becoming one with nature. I am convinced that the forest can have a healing effect. This walk you experience with all your senses, even your skin. It also helps to leave behind the hustle and bustle of everyday life. I am also an ambassador for Nature for Health, together with this organization we want to show that greenery makes us happy, relaxes us and can offer peace. Being outside in nature helps strengthen our immunity and contributes to our mental health."

In addition, Frans is an ambassador for Gogh National Park. He offers support here in terms of communication, think Instagram, twitter or facebook. He also likes to inform about the Van Gogh National Park.

Tilburg's urban nature in full development

During the development of the Spoorzone, Frans was asked to lead a walk to show Tilburg's urban nature here. This is how he explains, "I am very excited about the blossoming nature in Tilburg. The increase in trees is positive, especially with rising temperatures. In addition, I see other positive changes, such as the large planters and the green steppingstones in Tilburg."

He complimented the growing urban nature and predicted further expansion. Frans saw Tilburg changing from a 'gray' city to a greener and more imaginative place: "Positive developments, such as the Spoorpark and greener buildings, are remarkable. Although some parts are still bare, this simply takes time," Frans emphasizes.

A journey through Tilburg's green splendor

Frans can be found in many natural areas in Brabant. "I love coming to Tilburg and especially to the Noordenbos and the Leijpark. I also see positive developments in the Stadsbos013, but also the Van Gogh bicycle route/walking route is unique in Tilburg," says Frans.

More nature with Frans?

If you want to embrace nature more, you can definitely join a forest bath walk that Frans provides. If you are interested in a walk from Frans don't hesitate and take a look at his website.