Formerly Known As URLAND

Formerly Known As  URLAND

Formerly Known As URLAND

Performance collective URLAND plays with fire artificial intelligence (AI) and asks what art means in digital times. Are we actually still needed? Boundaries are blurring. AI is everywhere, hive mind. They took our jobs! World domination. “Data overload, everyone is dying.”


With cloned voices and a script generated by chatGPT, URLAND goes to war with AI. Or is AI going to take on URLAND? Formerly Known As is a surreal, Blade-Runner-esque meta-performance that questions the shifting meaning of art. The collective enters into a dialogue with AI to collectively make a performance about a performance collective working with AI to collectively make a performance about a performance collective working with AI to collectively make a performance about what it means to be human. Meta, in other words.

What is real

A game between creator and his creation. Is this ART(moderate) or can it go away? If we can no longer tell the difference between “real” and artificial, then what is really real? What then is art? And where artistry was unique to humans, perhaps even as what distinguishes us from other animals, AI mimics everything effortlessly and seems to be able to create without limits - what does that say about being human?

This performance is English


De Nieuwe Vorst

Willem II-straat 49

5038 BD Tilburg


I want to go here!