Lorca - De Nieuwe Vorst

Lorca - Bart Grietens

De Poezieboys & Joost Oomen

LORCA is a poetic tribute to the poet Federico Garcia Lorca, known for his brightly realistic plays such as Yerma and Blood Wedding. Much less known is that Lorca worked in the last months of his life on the surrealist play The Audience. He called The Audience his real work. But because of the queerness of the play, Lorca did not dare release it.

Known today as Spain's queer play, this “secret” piece was the starting point for Joost Oomen and the Poezieboys for a wild, poetic adventure, a tribute to the murdered poet. On a ship somewhere between Cuba and Spain, Spanish poet Federico García Lorca was working on The Public. Not knowing that after a few months he had to hide it with a friend, because civil war would break out. Not knowing that he would be shot dead by fascists, so no one knew how to perform his play. Eighty-seven years later, Joost Oomen and the Poezieboys reunite with The Public. An adventure of three guys, or four if you include Federico himself, who come to kick the dormant theater landscape in the teeth with his Het Publiek.

Photo: Bart Grietens


De Nieuwe Vorst

Willem II-straat 49

5038 BD Tilburg

E. info@denieuwevorst.nl

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