Fraternisation; that's what Carnival is all about. That is why Prince Jan d'n Derde invites everyone to his own party on Saturday 15 February 2025!

Prinsebal & Louwdiner

It will be an evening of music and entertainment. A surprising and innovative programme, at our familiar venue Poppodium 013. The chapel festival will also take place again on a grand scale and in the familiar setting: the Foyer. In addition, the presentation of the bronze, silver and/or golden jug will take place during the Prinsebal. These will receive one or more pitchers or pitcheresses for their merits for public Carnival. For a (small) extra amount of 17.50, you can also participate in the walking dinner full of entertainment; namely the Louwdiner. So buy your tickets quickly and experience this unique party with Prince Jan d'n Derde and entourage!


Poppodium 013

Veemarktstraat 44

5038 CV Tilburg

T. 013 460 9500


I want to go here!