When you discover her voice, you immediately find yourself on the banks of the Mississippi, in the streets of Clarksdale or Memphis, Yet Kaz Hawkins was born in Northern Ireland

Kaz Hawkins is a musician who combines elements of blues, folk, soul and jazz. She has also been called the European version of Etta James and it is therefore very special that this French-based Blues-Diva is coming to Tilburg for her Release Party on the Heyhoef-Backstage stage. Where she manages to conquer hearts all over France - Switzerland and Germany and touches audiences with her emotive songs and stories, she has not yet broken through to the general public in the Netherlands. In France, she easily fills very large halls and her latest album ‘Until We Meet Again’ is in the top 3 of all charts there. Hopefully, this entrance via the jubilee Heyhoef-Backstage for the Netherlands will also open eyes and souls to this mega musical talent.