
Cabaret duo Rundfunk (Yannick van de Velde and Tom van Kalmthout) will soon tour the Netherlands with programme number three, Schau. Maybe slightly more mature than what they have made so far, ‘but maybe not. In the end, we just make what we find funny ourselves’.

Penchant for the German language

First, a word about their fondness for the German language, because everything they make - their name included - is German. Schau, which translates as ‘look’ or ‘show’, is the successor to Wachstumsschmerzen (Growing pains) and Todesangstschrei (Deathly anguish), they broke through in 2015 with the ‘Onvollldoende’ sketch in which Pierre Bokma plays a teacher of German and who wins a game of bingo in the world of Rundfunk. Anyway: Schau so, a title that surfaced after some kind of theme unintentionally surfaced during the writing anyway


Practical info

The performance will take place at Schouwburg Concertzaal Tilburg on 9 and 10 January from 20:15 to 21:45.


Schouwburg Concertzaal

Louis Bouwmeesterplein 1

5038 TN Tilburg

T. 013 5490 390


I want to go here!