Tipping Point Panama Pictures

Tipping Point  Panama Pictures

Tipping Point Panama Pictures

Tipping Point is a breathtaking balance act in which six performers confront a large, barely contained hemispherical object.


The object looks like a broken off part of a shipwreck or a piece of space debris. As soon as the six climb it, it tilts and they must react immediately to keep themselves standing. That instability reinforces both their vulnerability and their dependence on each other; every movement affects them, the object and each other.


The performers search for balance - of the object and of their mutual relationships - but discover that in doing so they mercilessly collide with the limits of their individual freedoms. Only by surrendering to the laws of gravity and each other can they play the object and stay upright. Only by working together can they for a moment find the perfect balance and control.


De Nieuwe Vorst

Willem II-straat 49

5038 BD Tilburg

E. info@denieuwevorst.nl

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