Meet T.S.T.V. Lacoste, the largest student tennis club in Tilburg! Since its founding on April 17, 1967, Lacoste has grown into a vibrant place.

Tennis at Lacoste

T.S.T.V. Lacoste offers a variety of offerings for tennis enthusiasts. The club has modern artificial grass courts where members can play tennis every Wednesday evening during club night. This is the ideal time for new members to get acquainted with the club and other tennis players. Lacoste also plays official leagues, with some 110 players competing for the honor of the association. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced competitive tennis player, Lacoste has teams at every level and there is room for everyone.


T.S.T.V. Lacoste

Sportweg 13a

5037 AC Tilburg

T. +31 6 37176351


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