The culturele as is an area in Tilburg where arts, municipal and religious power come together. Everyone is invited to taste the cultural experiences in Tilburg. There is enough diversity for everyone. Discover dance, music and theater here!

Cultural axis

At first glance, the buildings on the Cultural Axis seem stately and a tad impersonal. But don't be fooled. Because Theaters Tilburg, the Concert Hall, the Heikense Kerk and Factorium invite everyone with a broad smile to come and taste the cultural gems they have to offer. Not for nothing does the heart of Tilburg's cultural climate beat loudest on the Cultural Axis! In the coming years, by the way, this cultural heart will also change into a green heart, a special oasis on the south side of the city centre.
The heart of Tilburg's cultural climate beats the hardest on the Cultural Axis.

Starting point

info in Tilburg

Spoorlaan 33

5038 CB Tilburg

T. 013-303 41 01


Schouwburg Concertzaal Tilburg Jostijn Ligtvoet 3
Schouwburg Concertzaal Tilburg Jules van Iperen
Factorium Jostijn Ligtvoet
Factorium Festival 2022-1
Heikese Kerk-1