De Pont is the museum for contemporary art in Tilburg. A monumental old factory houses changing exhibitions by leading artists from all over the world. Modern. Stylish. Progressive.

Tilburg is in the spotlight of the art scene, with a tour of Museum De Pont and an engaging conversation with the museum team.

What makes De Pont unique?

“Museum De Pont succeeds in following contemporary artists from home and abroad over a long period of time in their development and making it visible through solo exhibitions. Not only does this create a close relationship with the artists, but by also constantly acquiring key works from these solo exhibitions, a special collection has grown.”

Waarvoor komen mensen naar De Pont?

“For the special exhibitions and the unique collection, but certainly for the space the museum provides for art.”

What is typically Tilburg about the museum?

“De Pont is located in Thomas de Beer's former wool spinning mill, a typical remnant of the city's textile industry.”

Who started the museum?

“Jan de Pont, his legacy has allowed the De Pont to host exhibitions featuring contemporary artists from home and abroad for more than 30 years and to steadily expand the museum's collection.”


De Pont

Wilhelminapark 1

5041 EA Tilburg

T. 013 - 543 8300


More information

De Pont Museum Café
De Pont Museum terrace
De Pont installation
De Pont front square
De Pont exhibition

Rene van der Hulst