The wandering area excels in passion, entrepreneurship and, above all, commitment. This area is one of the most characteristic and old bits of Tilburg. Here, you will be showered with hip business from creative and quirky local entrepreneurs.

Wander through the historical heart of the city centre

Shopping will be discovered in the Dwaalgebied, one of the most characteristic pieces of Tilburg. Many of the mansions mostly located in this area have been transformed into clothes shops, gift shops and specialty shops that sell more than just stuff. If you buy something in the Wandering Area, you will buy something with a story. For foodies, too, the many atmospheric coffee shops, cafés and restaurants, passionately run by hospitable Tilburg locals, are excellent places to stay.
5x worth it in Wander Area

Discover Wander Area

5x worth it in Wander Area

Wondering what the distinctive and historic Dwaal area has to offer? You can read it here!

If you buy something in the 'Dwaalgebied', you buy something with a story.
Cinecitta fotografie-jules-van-iperen
Cinecitta gevel fotografie-jules-van-iperen
De Burgerij-2
Cinectita Film Festival fotografie-jules-van-iperen
Show image credits

Center left: Jules van Iperen

Center right: Jules van Iperen

Bottom right: Jules van Iperen
