Nature Museum Brabant

Natuurmuseum Brabant

Nature Museum Brabant aims to uphold recognition for nature through education and exhibitions. In this large family museum opposite the Central Station you will feast your eyes. When visiting Tilburg, don't forget this museum, of course.

The museum is run by a team of naturalists with decades of experience. We take a look to learn more about nature and, of course, the museum itself.

What makes Nature Museum Brabant unique?

“Our museum is joyful. It is an accessible museum about plant and animal life, with a nod to humans. You can wander among birds of prey, fossils, or spiders, do nature research in the OO - zone or experience the seasons in BOS, but you can also go on a mammoth hunt in the Ice Age!, have tea with a Frog! or discover Brabant nature in Your Brabant, My Brabant.”   

What do people come to the museum for?

“For a fun and enjoyable day out, but certainly also to learn about nature with head, heart and hands. This is perfectly possible with our exhibitions and activities. These are all 'just' fun to visit, but you can also go a layer deeper and learn something - often by doing. Our museum is there for curious people, young and old.”

What is typically Tilburg about the museum?

“The museum is located in the heart of Tilburg, opposite the railway station. Our building is typically Tilburg: a former villa of cloth manufacturer Pollet which also once housed a trade school. The museum also features many things from the natural areas around the city. There is also a lot of attention to Brabant's (urban) nature.”


Natuurmuseum Brabant

Spoorlaan 434

5038 CH Tilburg

T. +31 13 5353935


More information

Natuurmuseum Brabant OO-zone
Natuurmuseum Brabant OO-zone 2
Natuurmuseum Brabant Ice Age
Natuurmuseum Brabant OO-zone 3
Natuurmuseum Brabant OO-zone 4